Why I am writing every day.
They say it takes 45 days to establish a habit. Today is day 47. Did I make it?
I really am not sure.
I am sitting here, thinking back. In the last 47 days, I have gone on a 10-day vacation, spent 14 days sick as a dog, and another 7 days super allergy-like. I have lost 6 pounds, and I even organized my closet. Yes, I did manage to publish a new blog post every single day here on Medium, but I don’t know if it feels like a habit.
This makes me question whether you have to agree that you are exercising a habit for it actually to be one.
Is it the fact that you accomplished this task exactly along the terms that aligned with your original goal, making it a habit?
Habits feel more like something you do because you have to do it:
brush your teeth
shower or bathe
comb your hair
wear clothes to work
The things you do without thinking — those feel like habits.
I wish this was a two-way conversation because I am sitting here questioning my sanity. Lol.
If I must have habits, I rather they be broad.
I generally
make excellent decisions.
treat people really well.
am not late.
am organized.
These seem more realistic than the idea that I will do something every single day, even if it doesn’t make sense in relation to my health or circumstances.
What do you think?
So why am I writing every day?
Because I want to grow.
I want to grow in so many ways and in so many directions, and this makes the most sense.
Writing is one of my most favorite things to do. So here I am, doing something I love.
What do you love? Do you do it every day?
I won’t lie, in the beginning I was writing for you. But today, I am writing for me.