61 Days.

That is how many days I have written here consecutively.

Yesterday, something happened. I started writing from the moment I woke up until I fell asleep and woke up again to do the same thing. I didn’t do that writing here, but on my phone and on sheets of paper from a notebook.

In this moment, I am coming from one thought that landed on paper at 4:49 AM, through a period of time of research, to this next writing moment at 5:32 AM.

The research really was a search.

My whole life I have been searching for something subconsciously.


Many of those around me recognized it.

One man stopped me in my tears on August 25th, 2022, in Dallas, as he rushed by me and told me, “Jordan, stop looking for friends, and find yourself.”

I didn’t listen.

To find that date, I spent the last hour and 32 minutes doing more research in my photo archives.

I found two moments in my life where things have come full circle. Dallas and Florida are those two moments. And full circle because even the locations align.

Writing in a notebook here at this moment in time.

I forgot to write on Medium, but this was a message from the universe to write when I wake up each morning.

I am now a firm believer in tapping into yourself through writing.

It is now 6:42 AM, and I have found what they call my domino statement. Others might perceive it as their mission statement for life, and for what they want to accomplish for others.

I don’t know if I am ready to share it with others, but I am using this moment in time to celebrate.

Now I am going to go take a walk.

With love,


6 Day Mini-Course: https://www.os.joandcoaching.com/6day (FREE)
Daily Writings: Medium will email you each time I publish — Link

How to Survive & Thrive as a Realtor Right Now ebook — Link
6 Day Mini-Course: https://www.os.joandcoaching.com/6day (FREE)

Instagram: https://instagram.com/jordanschilleci
Schedule a 15-Minute Strategy Call: https://joandcoaching.com/call