Why I started blogging.

As a teen, I loved my parents deeply, but they were not a part of my life; I was a part of their life. I grew up in the Midwest, moved 50 times, didn’t have many friends, and never felt like I fit in. I sought out outlets, conversations, and relationships.

On the Internet, no one knew who I was; it was liberating to put the written word out there into the word. My written word.

When I started blogging, it wasn’t intentional, it wasn’t thought out, it wasn’t with a purpose in mind. It was something I just did. I have talked about this before, but I have lived most of my life in survival mode. I didn’t know it until a couple ofyears ago, but I never did anything after a thought. I just followed the path of survival.

During the pandemic, I was busier than I had ever been. I was juggling more balls and wearing more hats than humanly possible. I was struggling. My business was growing. I was overwhelmed. I was trying to decide what the solution to my problems was. I was making mistakes.

Then, there came an unseen lull. Things started slowing down, and I was given the best gift of all: time and perspective to gain real self-awareness.

Today I mostly blog to attract my dream clients, but as you can see, I am still weaving in the personal aspect. I am no longer using it because I long for something I shouldn’t want.

Blogging really has changed my life, and I will forever be grateful, as writing will forever be my favorite outlet.

Thanks for listening.

With love,


6 Day Mini-Course: https://www.os.joandcoaching.com/6day (FREE)
Daily Writings: Medium will email you each time I publish — Link

How to Survive & Thrive as a Realtor Right Now ebook — Link
6 Day Mini-Course: https://www.os.joandcoaching.com/6day (FREE)

Instagram: https://instagram.com/jordanschilleci
Schedule a 15-Minute Strategy Call: https://joandcoaching.com/call

Jordan Marie Schilleci