5 reasons why being a realtor is hard and how to overcome them.

Hi friend,

I got my real estate license so that I could get divorced. Things didn’t go as planned, and by the time I got my license, I was in a new relationship, pregnant, and had five kids at home — oh, life. But I tell you this because I know a thing or two about hard.

What is your hard? Are you living through your hard right now? Is your hard temporary, or is it every day?

I am proud to say that my hard doesn’t look the same, and I view hard with a different mindset these days. I wouldn’t trade my life, my moments, and my hard for anything else in the world. If I can accomplish my dream life with my dream clients, you can too!

If you are reading this, I will assume you are a real estate agent, but this hopefully speaks to others in other industries.

5 Reasons Why Being a REALTOR® is Hard and How to Overcome Them

  1. It is hard to get leads aka clients. — I used to think this too. I started my career with some old-school grassroots advertising (Craigslist ads, lol). I was advertising rental properties near me that paid 100% plus $800. I got hundreds of leads a week, which taught me a lot. Then, I started raising my hand to anyone and everyone who needed help, including the other agents in my brokerage. This opened a lot of doors for me. I met a lot of people, and I stumbled upon a lot of opportunities. Then, one day, back in 2017, I took a meeting with a lender at my neighborhood Starbucks. I remember sitting outside, the sun shining on us, and she shared her secret with me. Her secret was how she was getting her leads. The answer was Yelp.com. I took that secret, and I ran. In 2019, I made $300,000, with 80% coming directly from organic Yelp leads. Then, in 2020, I found YouTube and YouTube found me. Content was the answer, and Content changed my life. So how did I overcome the hard of getting leads as a real estate agent? I started creating content that attracted my dream clients.

  2. I feel like I am working all the time. — Oh yes, I felt this way for the first 6 or 7 years. There were a lot of reasons why I was stuck in this rut, and they might not all apply to you right now, but most of them included spending my time on the wrong things, chasing the wrong clients, and not having support in my business. Please keep in mind support comes in all shapes and sizes. Support can be a VA, a transaction coordinator, a sign installer, a contract writer, a content creator, or it can be systems and automation. So, how did I overcome the difficulty of living a realistic work-life balance? Through many mistakes, and trial-and-error, I created systems, and I created content that attracted my dream clients. Life is a lot easier when you aren’t chasing clients. I love that my clients come to me.

  3. I don’t know what I am doing. — I hopped from brokerage to brokerage before creating my own. I know this isn’t a solution for all, but I realized I wasn’t going to find what I was looking for at another brokerage, so I had to put my big girl panties on and be my own mentor. It had to get messy, mistakes had to be made, and some of it was figuring out who I was and what I wanted to become. Life is funny that way. I wanted a seat at the table, and it took me until last year to realize I just needed to build my own damn table. The solution for you might be finding a mentor or proven system to replicate.

  4. Social media is overwhelming. — It took me discovering one tool to grasp my content strategy and social media posting. Once I hammered out my content strategy, I started leaning into the platform, Loomly. Loomly is a social media scheduling tool. It connects to EVERYTHING, and I love it. The more automation I could introduce into my business, the simpler it became, and the fewer people it took to run. So, the answer to conquering social media was a thought-out content strategy.

  5. Real estate is lonely. — This was my thought for years. I assume not everyone feels this way, but I sure did. I went down this path of trying to find my people. I ended up chasing a dream that wasn’t one of my own. I found myself broken and in the wrong room. It took a long path of self-discovery to rebuild my world, one I am very proud of. One with purpose. I don’t think I was wrong in trying to find my people. I just didn’t know what they looked like. Now, I am on the verge of building my own community. I think community is the answer to avoiding loneliness.

Over the last nine months, I have been dreaming about how I can change the lives of other real estate agents, and I am currently working on a course with that mission in mind. It will also have a community. If you would like to get on the waitlist, click here.

I cannot wait to meet you.

With love, Jo.

What’s next? Are you seeking both personal and professional growth without sacrificing? We are looking to work with those who are building a business while seeking a balance between family and work, and they don’t want to do it alone. We provide coaching, build-outs, training, step-by-step guides, mentorship, and one-on-one consultations.

Empowering you to build a successful business that complements, not complicates, your family life, offering you the tools and support to make it happen,

With love,


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How to Survive & Thrive as a Realtor Right Now ebook — Link
6 Day Mini-Course: https://www.os.joandcoaching.com/6day (FREE)

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Jordan Marie Schilleci