3 am. Day two.
Good morning friend,
Today successfully marks day two. Jumping out of bed is so easy when you know exactly why you are doing it. Having a plan that is scheduled to the minute helps as well. I don’t want to get behind. Other reasons why I think I have been successful the last two days is that on day one, I had the clothes I wanted to change into right next to the bathroom, and all of my items (notebook, journal, laptop, pen, highlighter, and book) neatly stacked right out my bedroom door, which is easy to grab on my way to the kitchen.
I didn’t have to think. All I had to do, was do.
I know two days doesn’t mark a habit, but I wanted to remark this doesn’t yet feel like a habit. I am already forgetful. I forgot my water cup/bottle this morning and had to go back into my room to grab it. I even forgot my items as I walked groggily into the kitchen.
Today I am way more tired than yesterday. But I am hoping the burst of energy I got yesterday when I see my family in a couple of hours presents itself. I can feel a tiny bit of sleep deprivation stacking. I went to bed at 8:30 last night (Monday night is open play at our pickleball courts.), although I wish I could be in bed asleep by 8 pm. Getting to bed on time has proved to be tricky. If you don’t know me, we have three kids (8, almost 10, and almost 13), which is easier than the six we had in the first few years of creating our blended family, although I did “babysit” our 3 grandkids a few nights ago, so that number six is still a number that exists in our lives. (Totally getting off track. Lol.)
I do pride myself on tucking in the kids and reading them books. One of my favorite books as a child was, The Egypt Game, and I have plans to break out my copy for the three littles tonight.
So far today, I have eaten my healthy breakfast with over 30 grams of protein, walked on the treadmill for over 30 minutes, journaled, and even got caught up on some client work. But the purpose of waking up at 3 am is to get my course done as fast as possible. I have recorded, created, and uploaded two short modules, which already brings me ahead of the one I completed yesterday.
I have this checklist in my notes, and I am obsessed with the satisfaction of filling those check bubbles.
I am bouncing back and forth between waiting for something to export or upload and typing this blog post.
In everything I create, I want to provide value. And while nothing profound is coming to mind today, I do want to share with you some great books that I have cracked open.
Two of the books I am reading right now…
Outrank by Damon Burton - this is an SEO-centered book, and the author is the best in the field.
Buddha's Brain by Rick Hanson - my sister’s boss is making everyone read this book right now; she said it changed her life.
My Morning Takeaways
Being tired in the morning is way different than being tired at night. My brain still functions at a higher level in the morning.
8 minutes at 4k takes forever to export. Lol.
I ended my morning with 5 modules completed within the course from today’s efforts, for a total of 12 out of 44. I am picking up momentum. <3
If you want to sign up for the waitlist, you can click here: How to Conquer Google in Baby Steps.
Love ya. Hugs, Jo.