3 am. Day four.
Yesterday was a blur, Heck this whole week has been a blur. Today is Thursday. The day in which the recycling and trash got picked up, but now that is Monday, and Thursday is the day just the trash gets picked up.
Do you know what Friday is? The day I typically clean out the fridge, which irritates my husband. Last night before bed I mentioned I needed to clean out the fridge, and my intelligent husband told me he had already done it.
Yesterday I ate a frog. You know, I did one of my hardest tasks first. I created one of the lessons that required my big girl panties. It wasn’t perfect, but you know what, it is done.
Today I am having to play catch up. I am always having to play catch up. For all those a-holes that tell you there is enough time in the day to get everything done, “you just need to make it a priority”. Well, they don’t know me.
I have too many priorities I guess. Those dang kids, just kidding.
Today’s priorities so far (the ones I have accomplished), are below.
Wake up at 3 am. I felt resistance today for the first time. But you helped me through that 4 seconds.
Eat 30+ grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. I had 42 grams and consumed it within 10 minutes.
Take my iron supplement so I don’t feel like I am dying. I did that, but the sleep deprivation isn’t helping. Amenia is a b.
Walk for 30 minutes. I walked for 30 minutes and 2 seconds. It was the slowest 30 minutes of my life. I decided to turn on the heat, wear a sweater, and not listen to anything. It was painful. It was just me and myself. I am used to silence. I rarely listen to music when I drive, but this was different. I guess because I had a lot on my mind, and I was feeling trapped. I am that girl, that person, that hates feeling trapped and hates being told what to do. I’m not the only one, right?
Work. That is such a vague word that means different things to different people, and different things at different times to the same person. Today it meant bringing my inbox to zero. I specialize in relocation, and I have a lot of clients in limbo right now. They have lots of questions, and they come to me. It is actually my favorite part of my job. I love to hear, “That email was so helpful”. I love to be needed. Also normal, right?
So yesterday I got a big lesson done, but I want to add more value to it, so I will update it before I even publish it.
I still have 87 minutes until I wake up my husband to do yoga, but I don’t know what I want to work on today. I have this list, but I am wishing I could crawl back into bed. Four days of 3 am doesn’t work when you have kids that have activities until 7:30 pm, and you volunteer to take all of their friends home.
That is what my last night looked like. There is always a reason why I don’t get to crawl into bed at 7 pm. I wish I was that person who only needed 6 or 7 hours of sleep, but I am abruptly realizing I am the person who needs 8 hours of sleep, no matter how healthy I eat. I guess stress does that to you. The pressure to be everything to everybody. Is there a name for this?
Yeah, I did a Google search.
I was hoping to find something other than the obvious.
People pleaser.
That is what Google placed before my eyes.
And then they taunted me with, “People pleaser” is not a medical diagnosis or a personality trait that psychologists measure.” Lol. Thanks, Google.
Also on the page, I found the word, altruistic. I like that word better. Makes me sound a little more human. Lol.
So what have my four days of 3 am taught me?
I need 8 hours of sleep.
I will be looking forward to Saturday morning from now on.
Eggs bloat me, but my face looks skinnier.
That I can do anything, except play pickleball well without proper sleep. Lol.
Waking up at 3 am is a time that still falls into the category of “people think I am crazy”.
Okey doke. Going to use my remaining 67 minutes to work on the course. Wish me luck.
Love ya, Jo.
If you want to sign up for the waitlist, you can click here: How to Conquer Google in Baby Steps.
With love,
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